Sunday 10 February 2013

Racing, Racing, Racing...

Sunday Spending

High Fashion Phoenix Hair Fork - TheAncientMuse

To My Significant Otter Valentines Card - MyZoetrope

Personalised Valentines Art Print - RedWallStudio

Orange Sunshine Sugar Scrub Cubes - SymbolicImports

Hopefully you enjoyed "Sunday Spending" those orange sugar scrub cubes look so divine and they're my favourite colour!! I think the husbot would like the art print, although I'd want to alter the word to "fit" us more. And that hair fork, oh wow!!!

Can't believe we're already in February, where does the time go?! Valentines day is only a few days away, not that it's a big deal in our house because it isn't! I mean I love if the husbot remembers to get me something but even a card is hugely appreciated, especially if thought has gone into it. Last year he made me one because he forgot it was Valentines day but it was a lovely card!!!

Finally hit 16 weeks pregnant yesterday. Feels like it's taken forever to get to this point with the hyperemesis gravidarum and the anxiety quickly increasing. I'm still pregnant though, my baby is still alive and still growing. That's something I have to be thankful of. That's something I can hold on to.

The anxiety is just out of control at the moment, constant panic attacks. Anxiousness coming in waves, like contractions, all day. The racing heart... racing.... racing.... racing.... It doesn't slow, sometimes it feels like it might burst through my chest, like it's strong enough to break the ribs and come out... but it doesn't. Feeling the twitching in my muscles like they are already starting to seize up even though a panic attack hasn't started... it makes me panic and brings on the attack faster. Just so tired of feeling like this!!

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